Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice Montana

Gender equity
Sexual health
Reproductive freedom

Montanans for Choice works to advance gender equity, sexual health, and reproductive freedom through
public education, communications, and advocacy.

Our Vision

We aspire to co-create a society where everyone can live fully within their gender identity, achieve sexual health, and realize their reproductive goals with support, confidence, accessibility, and cultural safety.


Knowledge builds power. Power put into action leads to change. Together, we can advance social policies and programs that improve our health and well-being. Check out our Issue Briefs & Fact Sheets to learn more about current issues related to reproductive health and abortion access.

Bring a Reproductive Freedom billboard to your community!

As Montanans, we share a love of freedom and adventure. For too long, our road trips have been plagued by anti-abortion billboards and ugly messaging meant to shame and stigmatize those who access abortion care. Montanans for Choice decided to change the scenery – and change the conversation. We are placing billboards along roads and highways across our state, and we are sharing messages online and over the radio, to ensure that every Montanan knows that they are loved and supported in their decision to end a pregnancy.


Montanans for Choice communicates our values through our words and our actions. You can help us create a Montana that is more supportive of gender, sexuality, and reproductive freedom by sharing our messages with your friends, families, and neighbors.


We work to change the practices, rules, and systems within our communities to expand access to healthcare across Montana.

Abortion and gender-affirming care are legal and available in Montana

Join us in expanding gender, sexual, and reproductive health and rights in Montana.

Your support enables us to advocate for a Montana where everyone can live fully within their gender identity, achieve sexual health, and realize their reproductive goals with support, confidence, accessibility, and cultural safety.

Participating in our democracy is one of the most important ways you can take action on the issues you care about.


Help us celebrate our anniversary by supporting our efforts.